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Work & Fee Structures

My consulting philosophy is that it is better for a client to reach their own conclusions about legal market strategy and management, guided by my experience and recommendations.

Clients recognize that I am passionate about my work, and derive satisfaction from helping them achieve profitable and measurable results.

Global clients include premier law firms and legal service companies.

I am engaged by Managing Partners, Founding Partners, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Client Officers, Practice/Industry Leaders, and Senior Partners at law firms; and Chief Executive Officers and Founders of legal service companies.

I don’t do “filler” work. Neither do I pitch. As a consummate professional, I invest in mutually selective and respectful relationships that matter to a client and myself. I have written and presented extensively on this approach, counsel clients accordingly, and follow my own advice.

Because it works. Over 90 per cent of my engagements are with repeat clients, or referrals from clients and contacts.

Work Structures

My consulting work is project and term-based to help solve specific problems that result in substantial impact.

My advisory work is open-structured to leverage my subject matter expertise and help achieve long-term strategic objectives.

In both instances, I collaborate with clients to:

  • Spark progressive thinking to generate unique strategic objectives and creative ideas that result in smart, sustainable business.
  • Provide customized strategies, development paths, and tailored tactics.
  • Explore pros, cons, risks, and costs of our options.
  • Suggest various forms of information collection, analysis, and collaboration.
  • Decide on a sensible and cohesive course of action.
  • Develop and execute a work plan or advise on strategies to achieve measurable outcomes that deliver value.

Fee Structures

Fees are based on value of the outcomes I provide backed by my expertise, experience, industry knowledge, contacts, brand, and intellectual property.

I provide a range of pricing structures and options, including:

  • Value-based pricing (VBP) for consulting work reflects the importance of the service to a client’s overall strategic business objectives and ensures that the value provided warrants, and better yet, exceeds the investment.
  • VBP can be structured as a fixed fee, flat fee, retainer, and/or project-based arrangement.
  • A blend of VBP and barely tolerated hourly fees may be considered depending on scope of work.
  • Advisory engagements are value-base-priced with either a fixed or flat fee secured by payment in advance.
  • Initial cursory consultations of 15-minutes are complimentary.
  • In-depth consultations of one hour or more are secured by e-transfer payment in advance.


Confidentiality for clients, prospective clients, and non-clients is of paramount importance with all business kept strictly confidential before, during and after an engagement.

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Heather Suttie 

Legal Market Strategy and Management Consulting

+1 416.964.9607