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Market Strategy

Innovation in Personal Injury Law Firms: Webinar

Innovation around people, processes, technology and finance is impacting the Canadian legal sector and extending into the personal injury space.

When Sales Becomes Value

The transition from enabling sales to providing value requires that you stop being a hunter, and instead, think and act like a farmer.

Digital Legal Marketing: Webinar

Digital legal marketing has never been more critical than in the last couple of years, and will grow in importance over time.

Glance Back, Focus Forward

My 2021 year-ender casts a quick glance back, but much more importantly focuses forward to a vibrant future.

Data Matters for Legal Market Growth

Data is key to solid returns and commercial results. Otherwise, you’re gambling.

How Law Firms Can Stay Competitive: From Canadian Lawyer

The world of in-person meetings is coming back, but law firm economics have changed irreconcilably

The Solo/Small Advantage

Where Do We Go From Here? Thriving Within a Rapidly Changing Legal Market.

Where Do We Go From Here: Solo and Small Law Firm Webinar

Thriving in a Post-Pandemic Legal Market. Response to the global pandemic has proven false the notion that change is difficult and slow. When push comes to shove, change happens easily and fast….

Recreating the Legal Ecosystem

This is the year when legal service providers with moxie will take huge steps to advance their market position by investing in clients and themselves. Those who are timid will sit on their hands and lose ground to the competition.

Our Future is Forward

As we look forward to 2021, my top 10 think pieces from 2020.