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Market Strategy

Stratospheric Strategy Success — Eclipsing Mediocre to Meteoric

Stratospheric success is ignited when four key pillars of strategy are crisply defined, dovetail to one another, and supportive tactics for each are clearly communicated, ruthlessly executed, and delivered in logical sequence within non-elastic time limits.

Innovative Strategies for Legal Business and Practice Management

I am chairing two webinars this spring that focus on innovative strategies for legal business and practice management.

A Brave New World — AI and Legal Service

Strategy, niche, value, and authenticity are the four pillars of legal business excellence. Only you can do this. AI can’t, at least not yet.

One and Only

The winning strategy of being one of one drives value and growth. Be distinct. Stop competing. Own your market. These are the hallmarks of smart and sustainable business.

2023 Review — 2024 Preview

My 2023 review is a collection of legal market strategy think pieces, commentaries, interviews and webinars, and a preview for 2024.

The Value of Creativity and Imagineering to Legal Business Strategy

Creativity and imagineering are a powerhouse combination elevating a legal service business into another stratosphere.

Suttie. Equals Strategy

My Legal Market Strategy and Management Consulting practice focuses solely on four key pillars of strategy: Business, Market, Management, and Client.

Chasing Better Conversations: Podcast

Mastering the art of conversation nurtures client relationships. A sprawling conversation ranging from heartfelt to a romp doesn’t begin to describe my colourful chat with Eric Fletcher on his Chasing Better Conversations podcast.

The Halfway Point of 2023

A refresher of my legal market strategy think pieces, commentaries, interviews and webinars at the halfway point of 2023.

Estates Law: Webinar

Estates law firms must evolve their business strategies in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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