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2019: A Little Light Reading

My top five articles from 2019.

If you have nothing better to do over the Holidays – and I sincerely hope you do – these five articles may provide a little light reading and some food for thought.

They are, in order, the four most-read columns written by me in 2019 along with my downloaded-by-a-landslide article, 10 Trends to Watch and Watch Out For in 2019.

  1. How to Get Out of Your Own Way
  2. Commoditizing Legal Services
  3. Big Four’s Next Big Bite
  4. Legal Innovation at Fireside 2019
  5. Legal Markets and Marketing: 10 Trends to Watch and Watch Out For in 2019

I won’t torture you – or myself – with a 10 Trends to Watch and Watch Out For in 2020 since it would be a repeat of 2019.

However, early in January 2020, watch for the first piece of my two-part column, The Next Decade of Legal Service: Engineering and Managing Law Market Change.

Until then, warmest wishes for a happy Holiday Season.

Heather Suttie is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading authorities on legal market strategy and management of legal services firms.

For 25 years, she has advised leaders of premier law firms and legal service providers worldwide — Global to Solo | BigLaw to NewLaw — on innovative strategies pertaining to business, markets, management, and clients.

The result is accelerated performance achieved through a distinctive one of one legal market position and sustained competitive advantage leading to greater market share, revenue, and profits.

The effect is accomplishment of the prime objective — To Win.

Reach her at +1.416.964.9607 or

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